
The complete solution for weather hazard management at Regional or National scale

Integrating the key aspects

Argos incorporates all the processes required to manage weather-induced hazards, harmonising data, products, warnings, impact and protocols in one integrated solution.

Hydrometeorological forecast

Early-warning detection

Exposure and vulnerability

​Impact forecasts

Management protocols


Most comprehensive solution

Argos service architecture follows a modular approach allowing for integration of data, models, products, warnings from any incorporated information, external sources, protocols, etc.

Collaborative approach

From 112 calls to traffic cameras, even social networks. Argos has been designed from ground up to seamlessly integrate any source of information useful for your operative management. What’s more, these new sources can define new rules of your warning decision flow.

Fostering the proactive management

Stay always one step ahead. From early warning forecast some days in advance to high resolution impact models for specific assets some hours before. Argos helps you to move the paradigm: from reactive to pro-active management.

Evolving with new requirements

Argos is built on top of an open architecture, so that you could improve your management flow: adding new weather data, sensors, building new products and warnings, growing your set of critical points, redefining your protocols, expanding your dissemination, etc.

Connecting operational authorities

Weather-induced hazards management is a matter of connecting different operational authorities. Argos and its family of products (Argos City, Argos Site) allows a seamlessly integration and harmonization of the management process at different scales: national, regional and local.

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